Parliamentary Roundtable

Legal Alternatives to War: Advancing Peace and Disarmament through the UN and ICJ

A briefing and roundtable discussion for parliamentarians on the peace and disarmament initiatives and opportunities through the United Nations, including the UN Summit of the Future, International Court of Justice and Swiss membership of the UN Security Council. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 | Swiss Parliament, Bern

Wednesday May 29, 2024 from 13:10 – 14:50 (with light refreshments from 12:40) 

Room 301, Parliament Building, Bern, Switzerland.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, German and French.

The event was for Swiss parliamentarians and other invited guests. Contact 


  • Deputy State Secretary Thomas Gürber. Head of United Nations Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs;
  • Ms Nudhara Yusuf (by video message).  Coordinator, Global Futures Forum. Co-chair, 2024 UN Civil Society Conference;
  • Ms Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold. Former MP of Switzerland and Member of Council of Europe.President, Peace Women Across the Globe;
  • Mr Beppe Savary-Borioli MD. President, Physicians for Social Responsibility (IPPNW) Switzerland; 
  • Mr Alyn Ware. Director, Basel Peace Office. Global Coordinator, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. Co-founder, LAW not War.


  • Ms Margret Kiener Nellen. Former Swiss Parliamentarian. Council member, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. Board Member, Peace Women Across the Globe;
  • Mr Fabien Fivaz MP. Member of Parliament since 2019. Member, Security Policy Commission.


Armed conflicts – including the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel/Palestine conflict – are causing devastating impacts on civilians, soldiers and the environment and are increasing the threat of nuclear weapons use.

Switzerland makes important contributions to peace and nuclear disarmament as a respected neutral mediator and through actions in the United Nations, including as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and as a member of the like-minded group of countries promoting acceptance of International Court of Justice jurisdiction for resolving conflicts peacefully.

In September 2024, the UN will hold a Summit of the Future to build ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow.’ The Summit will adopt a Pact for the Future and a Declaration for Future Generations.  Governaments, parliamentarians and civil society have been undertaking preparatory events for the Summit including through the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference which was held in Nairobi May 9-10 2024.

In addition, Switzerland will hold the Presidency of the UN Security Council in October 2024, immediately following the UN Summit. 

Key questions discussed at the roundtable

  • What roles can the UN Security Council, International Court of Justice and UN General Assembly play in addressing international conflicts and nuclear threats?
  • Can Switzerland do more to advance peace, nuclear disarmament and the rule of law internationally?
  • What proposals to the UN Summit of the Future might be effective and deserve the support of Switzerland?

Presentations and background documents 

Event hosts and cosponsors

The event is hosted by Mr Fabien Fivaz MP and Ms Laurence Fehlmann-Rielle MP and co-sponsored by the Basel Peace Office, Physicians for Social Responsibility (IPPNW) Switzerland, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), World Federalist Movement and the World Future Council.

Basel event on the UN Summit of the Future: The roles of cities and youth

The parliamentary roundtable is being held in conjunction with a public event in Basel on May 30, hosted by the Basel-Stadt Cantonal Government (President's Office) on Peace, climate protection and the UN Summit of the Future: The roles of cities and youth. Everyone is welcome to attend. Event flyer